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Living History Standing Orders

EVENT DATE: September 19th, 20th & 21st 2025  (Setup  from 18th & Leave by 22nd)


This is a friendly and relaxed event with the minimum of regulations, but some rules are needed to ensure a trouble-free time for all attendees. This document is subject to change without notice.


Re-Enactors are responsible for ensuring they have read the most up-to-date version before attending the show. These standing orders apply for the entire duration of the show, including when the show site is closed to the public.



All exhibitors must ensure that their vehicles are maintained in a safe and roadworthy condition.



Vehicles will be issued with a vehicle pass upon booking-in. Please always display this pass prominently on the vehicle. Passes will also be issued to re-enactors and should be worn at all times.



The venue is quite tight vehicles must move through the showground only in accordance with the regulations below and movement through public areas is strongly discouraged during open hours.

Should the weather be wet and the ground soft you will be asked not to move your

vehicle: this is both to keep the ground acceptable to foot traffic and to minimize mud

on the road. Headlamps should be illuminated, and horn or siren warnings considered.



Vehicles must be driven at a responsible speed, never exceeding 5 mph on the Lee Recreation Ground and in accordance with local speed restrictions on the roads of the Village, having full regard to the number of people present. You are reminded that Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Road Traffic Act apply and you could be prosecuted for driving recklessly if it was considered that you endangered the lives of others.



Tracked vehicles must not move through public areas without authorisation. At least four safety marshals (one at each corner), wearing high visibility clothing, must be present to supervise members of the public and ensure that there is a 2-metre public safety exclusion zone around the moving vehicle. All tracked vehicles must have a commander, with whom the driver shall be in constant communication.



Motorcycles must not be used on the Recreation Ground unless they are in a safe, serviceable condition with all guards in place, insured, and only driven by those licensed to do so.



Any vehicle being driven at the show must be controlled by an approved and authorised person for that class of vehicle, who is driving with the full permission of the owner, is insured and above all, is familiar with that particular vehicle. At no time may a child or a non-licence holder be in charge or control of any vehicle left with ignition keys in place or with the engine or machinery in motion.



Owners must ensure that their vehicles are insured to the minimum legal requirements for use on the road. It is advised that owners seek to obtain additional cover for ‘off-road’ use and that all drivers are similarly covered. It is the responsibility of the driver to confirm insurance cover with the owner before taking charge of a vehicle. Normal road insurance does not necessarily apply at ‘off road' events. Bring your certificate(s) with you for possible inspection.



If any vehicle has restricted vision, a responsible adult must act as vehicle commander. He/she must be in voice contact with the driver. It is the commander's responsibility to ensure passenger safety, especially when persons are mounting or dismounting the vehicle which should be done other than by using the tracks or wheels as footrests wherever possible.



Drivers must ensure that any projections outside the normal overall width, length and height of their vehicle, such as whip aerials or ring-mounted replica machine-guns, are properly secured before moving off, especially when moving through crowds. Drivers should be particularly aware of overhead power lines.



No vehicle must carry more passengers than the number of seats on that vehicle. They must be correctly seated and children properly supervised. No passengers or crew may be carried on the exterior of armoured or tracked vehicles under any circumstances.



There must be absolutely no discharge of any firearm, barrelled weapon, thunder flash or other explosive device at the event without prior agreement of the organisers. No blank rounds or pyrotechnics may be brought onto the site without prior permission. Live, replica and deactivated guns must comply with relevant legislation and documentation must be provided for possible inspection. Bayonets, knives and other bladed articles may be unsheathed only as part of a static display of weapons and equipment and must never be left unattended. Any weapons in violation of this will be promptly removed from site, along with the offending Re-Enactor, and information passed onto relevant authorities.



Uniforms should not be worn outside the showground. Exhibitors wearing unit insignia, rank badges and/or medal ribbons for which they have not been issued/awarded should ensure they do not give wrongfully the impression that they have been awarded such honours otherwise their actions may constitute an offence under the Fraud Act 2006. Uniforms should be worn correctly and in context.

No Nazi symbols are permitted but living history groups/re-enactors in SS combat/field uniforms are allowed at the discretion of the committee. Allgemeine uniform is specifically banned; failure to comply can lead to expulsion from the show ground.



No loud noise, music, or running of generators permitted on the site between the hours of 23:00 and 08:00. All generators must comply with current legislation including the use of ground spikes.



All exhibitors are deemed to be responsible for the behaviour of their invited guests and general entourage. Whether driving, being carried as a passenger or performing duties as outlined above, standards of deportment and politeness must be maintained so that the show and organisers are presented to the public in a caring and responsible manner. Please leave toilets and other shared facilities in the state you would wish to find them.



All Re-Enactors must carry a suitable, modern type fire extinguisher on their vehicles and tent/stall space. Any campfires or barbeques should be contained. Fires/BBQs must always be supervised and fully extinguished when no longer required. Fires/BBQs should not be left to burn out themselves. Fires/BBQ’s should be situated a safe distance from tentage.



Military tentage is preferred but you may use civilian tents in your MV display area if they are suitably camouflaged. Uncamouflaged support vehicles and caravans must be placed in the public carpark or other designated area.



Vehicles will have pitches allocated based on the information provided in the Application Form submitted. Exceptionally large vehicles will be given leniency if more space is required. Multiple vehicles may be present on the same pitch. Exhibitors will be asked to rectify illegal encroachment of space immediately. Failure to do so may result in applications being rejected in following years.

Pitches will be pre-allocated by the show team.



Exhibitors must not reserve space for fellow exhibitors who have not yet arrived. It is common that groups of friends may wish to pitch together but this must be indicated on the booking form(s).



We would request that exhibitors do not erect physical boundaries across the front of their pitches, unless absolutely necessary. It discourages interaction between exhibitors and the public and may discourage them from viewing exhibits up close. Boundaries along the edge or back of pitches for privacy or protection from the elements may be used but they must not be in front of vehicles. Partial boundaries for banners along the front may be permitted providing they do not block exhibits from view.



You are reminded that the show is open to the general public and the organisers cannot accept any responsibility for loss of, or damage to your vehicle and/or its contents. If you leave your vehicle unattended, we strongly recommend that you arrange for someone with an adjacent vehicle to watch over yours.



Please keep your pitch tidy! All waste must be bagged and placed in the bins provided.

Please recycle as much as possible.



Dogs must always be kept on a lead and all mess picked up and disposed of. Handlers must always be in full control and should ensure minimal nuisance to other exhibitors. Failure to do so may result removal from the show site.


BB and Airsoft Guns

BB and airsoft guns should not be brought to the show except for the purpose of display/re-enactment to which the VCR act applies. The discharging of rounds may not occur. Failure to comply may result in your removal from the showground.


Drones and Aerial Vehicles

Drones and Aerial vehicles of any size/weight should not be launched from within the show grounds without the express authorisation of the show team. This includes when the show is not open the general public. Any drone sightings should be reported to the show team as soon as possible. This is especially important to ensure the safety and security to the BBMF fly past. If drones are spotted, law enforcement will be informed, and the fly past will likely be cancelled. Failure to comply may result in your removal from the showground.



In the event of an emergency please contact the closest show marshal or call the site emergency number shown on the rear of your vehicle pass. We have trained first aid personnel on site for the duration of the show. In extreme emergencies call 999, the local emergency services are aware of the show and location. If the emergency services have been dispatched, please make sure we are aware of this by calling the site emergency number, so we may prepare for their arrival.



Sections 1 firearms must be declared and stored securely by the FAC holder. Section 1 firearms may only be handled by the FAC holder during and when travelling to or from a prearranged event. All relevant certificates must be brought to the show for potential inspection. Blank firing weapons must be securely stored by the owner when not in use. No firearm of any kind may be loaded or discharged, unless approved by the show team.



Any lost or theft of any form of section 1, blank firing or deactivated fire or VCR related items must be reported to security or show team as soon as possible. All of the above could be highly dangerous if picked up by a member of the public or an unauthorised person. Serious cases will be reported to the respective authorities.



These standing orders are designed to implement a reasonable standard of health and safety in order to protect all persons on site. Be aware that a number of the regulations are not necessarily intended to protect you from your own actions, but to protect others. Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you see unsafe behaviour, it is your responsibility to intervene, if it is safe to do so, or to inform a marshal as soon as possible.

Infringement of these Standing Orders will be dealt with by the show officer present at the time of the offence and subsequently may be reported for further action if considered necessary. The acceptance of your entry and presence on site indicates that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these Standing Orders.


Lee Victory Festival is organised and delivered by Montserrat Events CIC.

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